How to wear a biker jacket

Integrate statement pieces in your everyday outfits!

The more specific an item is, the harder you might find it to integrate it in your everyday looks. But that isn’t necessarily the case of a biker jacket!

When you think about how to wear a biker jacket, the combinations you can make are endless. What makes a biker jacket is it’s asymmetrical cut and the belt around the bottom line and sometimes even around the wrists. It not only gives you an edgier look but you can actually use them to fit the jacket for your measurements. A black and white combination is always a winner! You can put together black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of loafers next to a biker jacket for a classic appearance.

Also known as a riding jacket, a biker jacket has overcome its limits and can be seen in a lot of street style outfits, especially during fashion weeks but not only. Many bloggers and influencers are big fans of them which will only make them more popular and desirable. Bolder pieces are also available in a combination of colors and even textures.

Modern biker jackets come in more than just plain black, so when you think about how to wear a biker jacket you should take a wider range of colors into consideration. From a sexy red jacket to a playful yellow one or even in pastel shades like purple or pink, you should really go for it!

They are great pieces for the transition seasons like spring and fall and they’ll definitely find a place in your wardrobe. There are also available biker jackets for winter time and what makes them different is the fur lining they have inside. Over a cozy sweater and next to some leather pants and some ankle boots you got yourself a perfect outfit for colder days with no effort. On the other hand you can wear a biker jacket thrown on your shoulders for a relaxed and comfortable vibe.

How to wear a biker jacket is not a big issue anymore because they look amazing next to feminine items like dresses, skirts and silky tops or in more casual outfits composed of jeans and comfortable blouses.

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